The Canopy Lab’s Inclusion and Leadership series seeks to uncover the biases, structures, relationships, and rules which influence who occupies leadership roles in international development. It is one way we contribute to thinking about and advancing DEI and localization efforts in international development.
Over the course of our series, the Canopy Lab has delved into procurement, recruitment, promotion and retention practices of both implementing partners and donors, including USAID. The series has also examined the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on development professionals and their respective organizations, as well as explored the future of the industry in a post-pandemic world.

Making It To The Top: Tips For Development Practitioners Pursuing International Leadership Roles
This brief highlights three evidenced based strategies for emerging leaders in international development interested in pursuing international leadership roles. It summarizes our recent study on

Catalyzing Careers: Enablers of Career Transitions for National Practitioners into International Leadership Roles
Despite significant investment, there’s a perceived shortage of qualified senior leaders in MSD. This study, with Mercy Corps’ support, explores barriers and enablers in transitioning MSD professionals to international senior roles.

Beyond Downloads, Views, and ‘Likes,’ How Do You Know Your Research Is Having an Impact?
This blog explores the ‘influence challenge’ many of us wrestle with through the lens of what we found trying to trace uptake by stakeholders of findings from a series of research initiatives conducted last year on the impact of COVID-19 on inclusion in the international development workforce.

Shaping Our New Normal: An Unprecedented Opportunity to Reimagine a More Inclusive International Development Workplace
This research — which includes input from 950 development professionals across humanitarian, WASH, agriculture, and economic growth fields, representing all career levels, 23% minority voices, and 92 nationalities—explores professionals’ shifting perspectives on their careers in light of the seismic changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Talent Pipeline of Market Systems Development (MSD) Activities
The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on the workforce participation and career ambition of women and other underrepresented groups is well documented across many sectors, but there is limited evidence from the international development sector. This research explores the impact of COVID-19 on the talent pipeline of MSD programs.

Industry Perspectives on the Impact of Restrictive Criteria for Senior Leader Job Descriptions
The brief explores the perspectives of experienced recruiters and program managers who work with medium and large contractors and international NGOs on the unintended impact of key personnel criteria with respect to the diversity of candidates they put forward for senior leadership positions.